Sunday, 1 February 2015

Smile, it's sunnah :)

This conversation happened when i was taking taxi to go to International Dinner at Galway Bay Hotel

"Do you have international dinner tonight?" he ask me
"How do you know? You must already picked a lot of Malaysian students i guess"
"Well,i'm not staying here now,i'm in Letterkenny for my attachment for a year,come down for dinner,haha,have you been in there?"
"Yeah,i used to,it's beautiful isn't it,but have loads of history as well,you know"
"Ireland used to have a very sad history,the war in the name of religion,just like what's happen now to the muslims, i think it's ridiculous to commit crime in the name of religion,what the religions teach us are love and peace"
"I'm 100% agree"
"Do you find it's hard to live in Ireland,when some of the people trying to make people hate your religion?"
"No,i don't find it's hard at all,all the people here are so nice,they respect our differences,honestly,i just find a few people who don't like us,but most of the time,we met good people"
"Yeah,i think that's because we have the bad history,and we kinda understand how it feel to be under opression,so that's why we won't do it to other people,but i do agree there is some bad people,well,bad people is everywhere,you know"
"Yyep,couldn't agree more"
"But you know what,i always love it when i picked you girls (refers to muslim girls), you always smile and happy like you never have problem at all"
"Well,that's because we meet people like you"
"But,it's true,your smile is so genuine,like it comes from your heart,i don't understand how people can hate you when you give them smile like that"
"That's so nice of you,thanks a million sir"
"Can i ask you something?"
"Of course"
"Do all the muslims don't drink alcohol?"
"Well,we shouldn't,but you know,there are muslims who don't follow the religion very well"
"Yeah,just like in any other religion,but why?"
"Because,you know,Islam rules are there to protect us,like to protect our body health,lineage and wealth, that's why Islam forbid us to drink"
"Not even a little?"
"Not even a little,well we do recognize that alcohol have some benefits,but it's harm outweight its benefit,so that's why Islam forbid it.Cause you know,every bad thing start with little,and if Islam allows us to drink a little bit of alcohol,there will be questions like how much is too much?"
"Yeah,i do know,but i didn't realize that all muslim in any part of the world cannot drink alcohol, it's nice to know though"

We arrived at my destination,

"Have fun at your dinner,always keep the smile in your face,so nice talking to you"
"You too pakcik...thanks a million,see ya"

I entered the hotel with a big wide smile on my face,

Smile,it's contagious
Smile,it makes people happy to see you
Smile,it's sunnah

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