Saturday, 6 July 2013

My Regret

I can't believe i cried coz i missed those kids in Panti Asuhan in Acheh
I was in my room when i started to try to compared my life with their life
I'm so sad to think how lucky i am to be blessed with parents and siblings,kesenangan hidup,
Education,foods and millions more
I regret that i didn't buy Mutia drink container coz i don't have enough money at that time...y did i bought so much things for myself???

The day before,she came to me and told me
"Kak oja,bisa belikn Mutia jolk air nggakk? Sambil tangan dia tunjuk dekat botol air mineral milik kitorang
"Kenapa Mutia? InsyaAllah,akak cuba belikan"
"Mutia mau bawa ke sekolah"
Since i only have 2000 rupiah at that time,
what i did,i ask from my friend a mineral bottle and gave it to Mutia..
When i arrived at the panti asuhan,Mutia came to me and said "makasih ya kak oja kerna beri mutia jolk air(bekas air minuman)
Allah...tu bekas air mineral je Mutia!! Sangat2 lah menghargai benda yg x seberapa tu,,kalau biasa di pandangan aku x bernilai pon..
By hook or by crook,,i promised myself that  i'll buy  Mutia the drink container and she'll get it by the end of this year..insyaAllah

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